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"The Only Way Out is Through" by Julie Tosca

Hello, my name is Julie Tosca! I’m 32 years old, a newlywed and just moved across country for the second time in my life. While my life is seemingly perfect on the outside, I have been struggling on many levels for the past 3 years due to chronic injuries. I tore my hamstrings and was on crutches for 3 months, in physical therapy for a year and see a chiropractor weekly. To this day I am still healing and trying to rebuild. Shortly after the hamstring injury I injured my foot and the diagnosis is still unknown to this day. I write this on the day I am going in for my second MRI to help determine a diagnosis and treatment plan. IN the midst of healing from these injuries, I’ve also discovered that I have PCOS (poly cystic ovary syndrome).

A lot of amazing things have happened such as getting married and I had a good job until we moved. Once we moved I’ve been having difficulty finding a job so I decided to start a natural and wellness blog which I am really enjoying.

Chronic Injury has proven to be very traumatic to me because I used to run half marathons and was an avid hiker. It pains me to have to sit on the sidelines for the past 3 years and watch from the outside. Not to mention, I’ve gained 30 pounds from anxiety, depression and lack of movement. Because of that, I really have to work at keeping my self-esteem high and concentrate on self-love.

Everyday I wake up is a chance to work toward my best life instead of giving up. There have been many days where I just don’t feel like trying but I know that is only going to hurt me. Healing takes a long time and I’ve learned to be patient with myself and take it day by day.

Even though I’m not 100% healed yet, I have come a long way and learned a lot about myself in the process. I am still grateful for all the amazing things in my life and the opportunities I have despite my challenges. I keep a gratitude journal, I see a therapist, I focus on exercises I CAN do, I try to eat healthy and most importantly I give myself grace. We can’t control our circumstances but we can choose how to react. Wallowing and feeling like a victim will only make matters worse. However, it’s important to allow those feelings to pass through and not to suppress them. The key is not staying down too long. My hope is to finally heal from all these injuries and health issues. In the meantime I just keep focusing on the things that bring me joy and help me heal!


"The only way out is through."



Julie is the founder of Very Vibrant Life. Passionate about natural lifestyle, wellness,

conscious beauty, intuitive eating, and alternative healing all while maintaining a balanced life.


Follow Julie's journey on Instagram: @veryvibrantlife


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