My story began five years ago when I started battling panic and anxiety disorder. It hit me one day out of nowhere and has never left. Until about two years ago, I felt like my anxiety was controlling my life. I stopped striving for my passions. I felt like my life stopped. Every single day I battled crippling anxiety. I remember feeling so alone in my battle and I never wanted anyone else to feel the way I did.
I really started digging deep in myself searching my heart for my passions in life. Where was my future going to take me? I realized that my passion was to help others struggling with anxiety and mental health disorders. It feels so lonely and isolating when your battling your mind and nobody around you truly understands. My motivation is to help others feel less alone; to end the stigma around mental health issues. You should not feel like you have to stay silent when you're struggling.
I remember when the thought of coaching came to me; I was in a session with my therapist. I told her I wanted so badly to help others with their mental illness struggles, but I needed to fix myself first. I remember feeling so much frustration in myself that I still wasn’t “fixed.” That was a lie I kept feeding myself; believing that I wasn’t good enough for that role. She looked at me and told me that nobody is ever “fixed” but that they learn to adapt to their difficulties and work with them. I felt so much relief when she said that to me.
I started classes this last year to further my education. I became Certified in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) which I plan to use for Anxiety Coaching. NLP is about learning the language of your own mind. I want to work on creating strategies and goals to help people conquer and manage their mental health. I know for myself, striving for purpose helped me so much. It turned my struggles into a testimony to help others. I believe that everyone needs to find purpose for their lives and not allow their mind to destroy their futures. Without purpose your mind is lost.
I want to be relatable and transparent with people. I have come such a long way over the years that I have so much knowledge and many experiences to share with others. My goal is to speak into as many lives as I can. The beauty of helping others in their struggles is that you are in turn helping yourself. There is always more to learn about yourself and always more growing to do.
Don't ever look at your disabilities or struggles as just, "Why me?" I believe you can rewire your thoughts and change how your mind views stress, trauma, anxiety, and fear. I want to see negativity replaced with positivity. We were created for greatness; never allow struggles to keep you from achieving your greatest potential. Embrace your struggles and use them for your own good.
“Appreciate where you are in your journey,
even if it’s not where you want to be.
Every season deserves a purpose.”
I am 25 years old and Live in Florida. I am a life/personal development coach that specializes in helping woman with anxiety and mental health struggles by giving them motivational tools and support to help them become more confident in themselves. My passion is to help others life fearlessly and achieving their goals and dreams for their lives.
Follow Kayla's journey on Instagram: @naturallykayla